The Society of Typographic Aficionados (SOTA) is an international not-for-profit organization dedicated to the promotion, study, and support of type, its history and development, its use in the world of print and digital imagery, its designers, and its admirers.
What is a Typographic Aficionado?
“We are type designers, punch cutters, wood cutters, type founders, compositors, printers, and bookbinders from conviction and with passion. Not because we are insufficiently talented for other, higher things, but because to us the highest things stand in the closest kinship to our own crafts.” — Rudolf Koch
We are also graphic designers, typographers, new media artists, calligraphers, sign painters, printers, software developers, illustrators, writers, and photographers. We are professionals and amateurs. We are students and teachers. We are historians and visionaries. We are all of these things, and more.
The members of The Society of Typographic Aficionados have any number of things in common, but one in particular — a passion for type and typography.
Our Charter
The Society of Typographic Aficionados exists for the affordable education of its members and participants; to further the development of type, typographical information and typography; and to appreciate on multiple levels the attributes of type, typography, design, the book arts, and calligraphy.
Furthermore, SOTA is committed to sponsoring relevant topics in pursuit of these goals through an annual conference (TypeCon), held in a different host city each year.
Members have the opportunity to help shape the direction of the organization. Volunteerism is essential to the continued growth and usefulness of organization. Members are encouraged to propose venues, programming, and support for future conferences and other events. We welcome ideas for public awareness campaigns, fundraising activities, and broadening cultural diversity. There is much work to be done, and we hope you will volunteer your time and talents.
Join the Society of Typographic Aficionados and become part of an open community dedicated to supporting and advancing the typographic arts and design education.
TypeCon and the Society of Typographic Aficionados organise each year the TypeParis Scholarship.