The 6-week type design programme that you’ve been waiting for starts on 3 June and ends 11 July 2025.
Be ready for next year, deadline is set on 14 March 2026!
You will have to prepare a A4 sized PDF named that is no larger than 10 MB. The PDF needs to include the following two sections: Portfolio and Curriculum-résumé.
Since 2015, we have welcomed a group of attendes who, from early June to mid-July, will discover type design in Paris, and produce their font project.
➼ Subscribe to our mailing list to stay informed, until application period is launched.
We created a place where every kind of design professional can learn about type design in a relatively short amount of time. Every year, we have this recurring question: “I am a graphic designer, and I have never drawn fonts, are you sure I can join?” To which we answer: “Yes, the superb results you can see, are for a majority made by graphic designers with no experience in type design.”
We also have every year, attendees who have already taken other summer or evening type courses, who are delighted to learn more in depth with our team.
All levels are represented in the group, from truly beginners to typography enthusiasts, who already produce lettering pieces and alphabets for their clients.
This diversity is the strength of the programme.
During the summer programme, the instructors converse daily to keep everyone in the loop and re-adjust each attendee based on our observations. Our team for typeparis25 is composed of Jean François Porchez (founder of TypeParis), Mathieu Réguer, Marc Rouault, Gina Serret, Julie Soudanne and Malou Verlomme. Special sessions planned with Rainer Erich Scheichelbauer and Georg Seifert from Glyphs. Our instructors go above and beyond for the participants. Because our goal is to see you learn and progress!
In addition to the regular instructors, we have guest critics who will spend a day with us to individually review each typeface project project. Our guests for 2025 are Cecilia del Castillo Daza (MX-SP), Ramiro Espinoza (ARG-NL), Diana Ovezea (RO), Albert-Jan Pool (NL-D).
The programme covers the learning of know-how in typeface design and calligraphy techniques, type history, and modern software practices. A typeface is a combination of different factors that need to work together, and the whole intention of our methods is to assimilate this fundamental principle through practice.
Like any creative discipline, type design is highly subjective, and whilst there are important principles that we teach in detail that should be followed, there is a lot of room for one’s own personal taste.
As references are crucial, during this period, several visits have been arranged to see notable French institutions and discover the immense and fascinating history of type, including the collections at Bibliothèque Nationale, Bibliothèque Mazarine, Bibliothèque de l’Arsenal, Musée de l’Imprimerie and Musée Gallo Romain in Lyon, etc.
You will benefit for free from our Now25 graphic and type conference organized organized on 31 May 2025. There’s nothing like listening to great type designer professionals talking about their projects and vision. Better than that, you will enjoy the conferences of excellent graphic designers and art directors who will transmit their interest for typography and its most innovative uses.
Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, China, Danemark, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Korea, Latvia, Lebanon, Netherlands, Norway, Mexico, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Qatar, Russia, Singapore, Slovakia, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Thailand, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Viet Nam.
➽ See the results of #typeparis24 produced by the people that attended. Check our What did you learn at TypeParis? series and read the reports on our News section.
You will leave the programme with the specialized skills to design professional high quality digital typefaces, lettering and logotypes. In recent years, even with no experience in type design, 80% of the attendees have designed more than one style and all have figured out how to design a family of typefaces to bring style to design projects. Check out the typefaces designed by the attendees as well the ones who received the diploma with distinction!
The TypeParis summer programme will starts on 3 June and ends on 11 July 2025. It is located near Eiffel Tower in Paris. It is an intensive programme, with two sessions a day, each led by a tandem of two instructors, you will receive 340 hours of instruction over the course of six weeks.
€5480* tuition-fees will cover our Type design Summer programme Which includes 340 hours of instruction, featuring two instructors together, to allow you to be sure of being accompanied throughout the learning process.
And of course, a free access to TypeParis Now conference, a complimentary licenses of type design applications, the TypeParis tote bag full of type goodies, the official TypeParis Summer25 T-shirt, a set of graphic, calligraphy and type design equipment, including a bunch of Canson tracing paper and related visits for six weeks.
Applicants will be informed of their acceptance status by 20 March 2025. You will only be accepted onto the programme after full payment due no later than 10 April 2025. Additional details on our FAQ.
* tuition-fees down 6% in 2025 compared to 2024 at €5830, to help you get into your budget.