Frequently asked questions
– TypeParis will it be taught in English?
– When will the next typeparis summer course take place?
– When I can apply to typeparis25?
– What are the requested elements to apply to the summer typeface design programme?
– Can I register in the TypeParis programme without any undergraduate degree?
– Do I already need to have acquired specific skills with some computer softwares?
– If I already have experience designing typefaces, am I overqualified for the programme?
– How long is the programme and how much time will be spent in class?
– How many people will be admitted into this programme?
– Should I expect to spend time to working, once out of the classroom?
– How will TypeParis attendees be evaluated?
– Which materials and software do I need to supply to attend courses?
– In which area of Paris, TypeParis is located?
– Accommodation
– What about if I’m not a French or a resident participant?
– My company would like to be a sponsor or partner!
– Accreditations for Now25
– How I can help as volunteer for our events?
– Do you offer internship positions?
– TypeParis logotype
– Hashtags
TypeParis will it be taught in English?
The programme will be taught in English, but the French instructors will be happy to speak in French to participants in certain occasions.
When will the next typeparis summer course take place?
The typeparis summer programme take place every year between June-July. The application deadline is always before the 14 March. Subscribe to our mailing list to stay informed.
When I can apply to TypeParis25?
The #typeparis25 should take place between 3 June and ends 11 July 2025. To don’t miss the 14 March 2025 deadline, subscribe to our mailing list! Usually, we inform the selected attendees less than a week after. For 2025, the €5480 tuition-fees (tuition-fees down 6% in 2025 compared to 2024 at €5830, to help you get into your budget) will cover our Type design Summer programme which includes 340 hours of instruction, featuring two instructors together, a free access to TypeParis Now conference, a complimentary licenses of type design applications, the TypeParis tote bag full of type goodies, the official TypeParis Summer25 T-shirt, a set of graphic, calligraphy and type design equipment, including a bunch of Canson tracing paper and related visits for six weeks.
What are the requested elements to apply to the 6-week typeface design programme?
Please follow the instructions as listed on the Summer section. You will have to prepare a A4 (we prefer landscape!) sized PDF named that is no larger than 10 MB. If you’re not sure about your portfolio, please send it by advance, we will be happy to share some advice.
The PDF needs to include the following two sections: ➽ Portfolio No more than twelve graphic/typographic design projects (the limit is 12 pages). These should demonstrate your proficiency in graphic design, typography, lettering and some knowledge of Béziers curves! If a project involves other people please state your role. ➽ Curriculum-résumé as additional page (to the 12 pages above for your portfolio) about your background, including any specific courses or workshops you’ve undertaken; which software applications you are proficient with (at least Adobe Illustrator); and any traditional techniques or skills such as calligraphy and lettering if you have some knowledge of them. Finally, the online form ask you to write 250 words (maximum) describing your interest (and experience is a plus) in typeface design and lettering. This will help the jury to learn more about you and your motivation.
Can I register in the TypeParis programme without any undergraduate degree?
No prior degree necessary. However, previous studies or knowledges in graphic design or typeface will be considered a plus during the selection process.
Do I already need to have acquired specific skills with some computer softwares?
Familiarity with Adobe Creative Suite is recommended, particularly vector drawing (as with Illustrator’s pen tool). Knowledge of Glyphs (or Robofont or FontLab) is a plus.
If I already have experience designing typefaces, am I overqualified for the programme?
Not at all. We encourage applicants with previous experience or the ones who followed workshops, type design classes. Even if some materials can seem familiar to you, it’s also the opportunity of learn an other approach of design process.
How long is the programme and how much time will be spent in class?
The TypeParis programme will last during 6 intensive weeks comprising of 160 in-class hours. Classes meet from 9:00 to 20:00/20:30 in two separate 4 hours sessions, with open studio time in between. You have two days off during the week: Saturday and Sunday. Instructors will deliver 340 hours of instruction during the 6 weeks.
How many people will be admitted into this programme?
TypeParis will accept around ~16 attendees. Because small team means a closer individual proximity with instructors/international guests, and also a precious help in developing attendees’ skill levels. The instructors converse daily to keep everyone in the loop and re-adjust each person based on our observations. For most of the sessions, two instructors will be present on the class.
Should I expect to spend time to working, once out of the classroom?
All this may vary depending your skills and experience. Overall though this investment we can estimate around 10 to 20 extra hours every week.
How will TypeParis attendees be evaluated?
We expect from each attendee to working with envy, to be involved and to demonstrate its understanding of the concepts taught in this programme. The work of each attendee will be evaluated regularly by our invited type critics. In addition to continuous attendance during the 6 weeks, the attendee’s typeface completion will be evaluated at the end of the programme during which a final presentation + jury will determine the obtention of the “TypeParis” Certificate. “With distinction” recognizes students with a particularly high quality of work.
Which materials and software do I need to supply to attend courses?
Just bring your laptop, usually a recent Apple Macbook running a no older than two years old Mac OS is fine to run font design applications and typical graphic design applications. If you usually work with a Windows machine, bring a Apple Macbook for the Summer course.
We will provide Glyphs (MacOs only app, included in the tuition fee), a type design app license for 6 weeks, along specific a set of graphic, calligraphy and type design equipment, including a bunch of Canson tracing paper. You will indeed have access to fast Internet as well a laser printer with the necessary paper for your everyday needs.
You also will received the official TypeParis T-shirt of the year, a TypeParis tote bag full of type goodies and so on.
In which area of Paris, TypeParis is located?
TypeParis Summer programme and workshops is located at Intuit.Lab, 90 rue Javel, 75015 Paris, France, near Eiffel Tower. How to get there? click here for map.
Accommodation cost isn’t included on the price. You have to find by yourself the place to stay in Paris. There is a lot of websites who propose renting. We strongly recommend sharing an apartment for rent with others, because it is more economical and more useful during off-work sessions. It is typically when you have joined the Basecamp of the year that you can organize your accommodation.
What about if I’m not a French or a resident participant?
This programme treats all applicants equally regardless of residency. TypeParis will not qualify attendees for International attendees visas and is not able to assist you in getting a travel visa of any kind. We therefore ask you to read with the highest attention the government guidelines for visas to the France. More here.
My company would like to be a sponsor or partner!
We are looking for sponsors, it help to make the talks free with international speakers. We invite ten speakers by year. We’re the most reputed type related event in Paris. We have various sponsorship levels and good opportunities to promote your products and activities. Check our dedicated page and feel free to contact us. See in addition, see partners page.
Accreditations for Now25 conference
You’re journalist, blogger, you write on graphic design and typography? Please reach out using contact info for your accreditation request for our annual conference. Explain how you intend to cover Now25. Specify in your email: Name + family name, Email, Phone, Job, Media you work for (references welcome), Website, Social media.
How I can help as volunteer for our events?
You will be welcome for your help the events we organize during the summer. Just contact us using #typeparis25 volunteer in the subject line.
Do you offer internship positions?
To be in full immersion of the annual summer programme! We’re looking for help for TypeParis Now conference. ➽ Capacities: Serious, well organized, absolutely passionate about typography and type design.
➽ Submit your application to our email using #typeparis25 internship in the subject line. In past we enjoyed the company of current students from various (design and type) parisian schools. English basic is a requirement if you’re French (si vous arrivez à lire jusque là, c’est bon signe). If you’re from abroad, it will be better if you speak a bit of French but not a requirement.
Proficiency on Adobe Creative Could applications as well Apple tools, Mailchimp to produce #typeparis25 graphic design material, community management, and others social events related. Very basic knowledge of video editing will help. We’re looking for someone not shy as this young talent will be in contact of speakers, attendees and the rest of TypeParis team on a regular basis. In addition, you will participate of the life of Typofonderie.
Internship located at Typofonderie from 3 March to 25 Paris 2025 and/or 28 April to 11 July 2025. To be intern doesn’t mean that you will be part of the #typeparis25 programme, meanwhile occasionally, you may join TypeParis attendees for specific visits and workshops. It’s a paid internship + typographic related bonus.
The TypeParis logotype is set in Astronef Super.
Officials hashtags for the Summer programme 2025 edition it is #typeparis25. The events official hashtag for 2025 is #typeparisnow25.
For the year 2024 it was #typeparis24. The events official hashtag for 2024 is #now24.
For the year 2023 it was #typeparis23. The events official hashtag for 2023 is #now23.
For the year 2022 it was #typeparis22. The talks official hashtag for 2022 is #tptalks22.
For the year 2021 it was #typeparis21. The talks official hashtag for 2021 is #tptalks21.
For the year 2020 it was #typeparis20. The talks official hashtag for 2020 is #tptalks20.
For the year 2019 it was #typeparis19. The talks official hashtag for 2019 is #tptalks19.
For the year 2018 it was #typeparis18. The talks official hashtag for 2018 is #tptalks18.
For the year 2017 it was #typeparis17. The talks official hashtag for 2017 is #tptalks17.
For the year 2016 it was #typeparis16. The talks official hashtag for 2016 is #tptalks16.
For the year 2015 it was #typeparis15. The talks official hashtag for 2015 is #tptalks15.