
Talk: David Březina

June 23, 2022

Talk: David Březina

David Březina will talk about his fabulous recent projects. Facilitator: Mathieu Réguer. This is a linked event, any registration for one of the speakers gives you access to the other talk without additional registration. The TypeParis evening Talks (in english) open its doors at 19:00, Paris.

Our free talks open to the public will include two speakers: graphic designer as well as the weekly #typeparis22 international guest critic. The venue is limited to 120 people, after this limit, you will be added to the waiting list, and your entry will not be fully guaranteed. Our Talks will be given in English, no livestream, but available videos at a later date. Being present on the spot is the best way to miss nothing. Meanwhile, as the #tptalks22 are organized in Paris, France, most of attendees will be Parisians. Le Français sera largement employé par les participants lors de l’inscription et des échanges nombreux durant la soirée.

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Twitter #tptalks22
Instagram #tptalks22
June 23, 2022


Registration will open on 14 June 2022!

The venue is limited to 120 people, after this limit, you will be added to the waiting list, and your entry will not be fully guaranteed.
Address TypeParis c/o Intuit Lab, Batiment B90 rue Javel, 75015 Paris


Registration will open on 14 June 2022!

The venue is limited to 120 people, after this limit, you will be added to the waiting list, and your entry will not be fully guaranteed.
Address TypeParis c/o Intuit Lab, Batiment B90 rue Javel, 75015 Paris

Dialogue: Laura Meseguer

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Great line up of speakers on graphic design, typography. Fabulous workshops. Join us on 1 June 2024!
Register now!
Sold out, see you on Saturday 31 May 2025!

Include access to all talks, a tote bag full of graphic and type goodies

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ickets out of stock

➽ Workshops sold out!