
Talk: Marina Chaccur

June 20, 2017

Talk: Marina Chaccur

Facilitator: Camille Gallet. This is a free event but the venue is limited to 130 people. After this limit, you will be added to the waiting list, and your entry will not be fully guaranteed.

Our Talks will be given in English (by our international guests speakers) as they will be livestream. Meanwhile, as the #tptalks17 are organized in Paris, France, most of attendees will be Parisians. Le Français sera largement employé par les participants lors de l’inscription et des échanges nombreux durant la soirée.

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Watch the replay →

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Watch the replay →
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Great line up of speakers on graphic design, typography. Fabulous workshops. Join us on 1 June 2024!
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Sold out, see you on Saturday 31 May 2025!

Include access to all talks, a tote bag full of graphic and type goodies

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