
Talk: Ulrike Rausch

June 3, 2023

Talk: Ulrike Rausch

Taking handwriting fonts to the next level

Most people expect type designer Ulrike Rausch is sitting down with pen and paper to design her fonts. But actually, getting from the first drawings to a working font is not a purely analog process but rather a pretty geeky software endeavor. In her talk, Ulrike demonstrates how she combines numerous ligatures and alternative letterforms with sophisticated OpenType programming and latests font technology to produce handwriting fonts, that can hardly been recognized as a digital product anymore.

Interview ✚

All details about previous annual events on archive section.
Replay from Now23 conference who brings together typography enthusiasts, graphic designers, art directors and type designers.
Now23 ✚

June 3, 2023

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TypeParis Summer 23: Presentation day!

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Great line up of speakers on graphic design, typography. Fabulous workshops. Join us on 1 June 2024!
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Sold out, see you on Saturday 31 May 2025!

Include access to all talks, a tote bag full of graphic and type goodies

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