On 3 June 2023, the Now23 conference will take place in Paris. On that day, more than a dozen graphic lecturers, artistic directors and type designers are expected. Join to attend talks by international speakers around graphic design, web design, motion design, publishing, visual identity, communication and type design. If not already done, register now to take advantage of the best rates.

It seemed interesting to us to make you discover the profiles of our guests. Discover Ulrike Rausch’s interview.
Biography Ulrike Rausch founded her own type foundry LiebeFonts in 2009, providing handwriting typefaces with a charming personality and obsessive attention to detail. Her growing portfolio of handwriting fonts has been used in publications, advertisements, and websites all around the world. She also creates custom typefaces for clients. She wrote the book “Making Fonts!”, a comprehensive guide to type design and font production.
What is your work environment?
Ulrike Rausch I spent two years in home office. While feeling comfy and protected during Covid times, I really enjoy leaving home again in the morning and having a bit of a commute by bike. Hanging out with like-minded people in a shared office makes me actually feel like a human being and working just appears to be so much more productive.
What do you prefer: working for clients or for your typefoundry?
Ulrike Rausch I dedicate most of my time working on fonts for my own library. And since I usually create these fonts with a specific use case for myself in mind, I am absolutly passionate about adding all kinds of extras to my fonts – meticulous details that probably nobody else ever notices.
When now and then I get an inquiry for a custom font, my first reaction is often denial and reluctance. But after each client’s project, I am also thankful and glad having had the opportunity to work together with other people on a project. Changing perspectives, being pulled-out of my usual working habits, and sparking different design ideas, is arduous but also very refreshing in the end!
“I am absolutely passionate about adding all kinds of extras to my fonts – meticulous details that probably nobody else ever notices.”
– Ulrike Rausch

Are your script fonts designed on paper?
Ulrike Rausch Definitely yes, since most of my fonts are based on handwritings or calligraphy. Sometimes designers actually ask me what kind of Photoshop filter I use, in order to get this authentic handmade style. 😅 The idea of using analog tools and spilling ink, somehow completely vanished from some people’s radar.
What will be the message you would like to convey during your Now23 talk?
Ulrike Rausch When people see my fonts, which look so charming and hand-made, they often have a quite romantic idea of my daily working routine. Most people think I spend all day sitting at my desk with all my pens and brushes just drawing alphabets. In reality, the analog process of my work is just around 5%, the rest is sitting down in front of my computer producing a piece of software. During my talk, I will share some of the tedious workflows it takes, to make handwriting fonts actually look like the real thing.
What speaker wouldn’t you want to miss at Now23?
Ulrike Rausch I am definitely looking forward to see Kimya live on stage. We usually hang out in Berlin playing ping pong or drinking beers (more than often combining both). I am pretty sure she can not only beat me in ping pong, but also in nerding about type.
Thank you very much, Ulrike!
– Interview by Yi Shen
Photo credit: Norman Posselt
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