
Q&A Veronika Burian

On 31 May 2025, the Now25 conference will take place in Paris. Join us, to listen a mix of inspiring speakers evoking topics as broad as graphic design, web design, motion design, publishing, visual identity, communication and type design. If not already done, register now to take advantage of the best rates.

It seemed interesting to us to make you discover the profiles of our guests. Discover Veronika Burian.

Biography Veronika Burian is a product and type designer running the international foundry TypeTogether with co-founder José Scaglione since 2006, today with sixteen core team members working around the world. She is one of the founding members of Alphabettes and was one of the mentorship organisers, is co-chairwoman of the Granshan foundation, co-curator/organiser of TypeTech MeetUp, gives lectures and leads workshops at conferences and at universities around the world, and mentors new talents in type design.


What’s your favourite way to start the day and your preferred place to work?

Veronika Burian I prepare a pot of fresh darjeeling tea, and a glass of freshly pressed lime juice with a pinch of salt. Most days when I am at home and my partner too, then we share the tea on the couch and chat about anything that comes to mind.

I have two homes in two countries, and I travel a lot for business anyway. So I am used to work wherever possible, but I do prefer working with my set-up at home. Good chair, light and big screen.

Favorite kind of music to listen to while working?

Veronika Burian When actually designing, I do like to listen to music. Can be jazz, rock, blues, classic or I used to listen to radio plays. However, my work has shifted much more towards management and art direction, which means many more meetings, giving feedback, writing, etc. Therefore more silence these days.

What do you do to evade yourself from work?

Veronika Burian I do walks with my dog, practice tango dancing regularly, care for my vegetable garden and do strength training.

“If you let yourself be ruled by software, you have lost the creativity game.”
– Veronika Burian

Software and creativity?

Veronika Burian If you let yourself be ruled by software, you have lost the creativity game.

Do you think AI will change the way to design?

Veronika Burian AI will and already has a deep impact on our lives and the way we interact. Type design is not an exception. It would be foolish to think that AI will not be used to create fonts, logos, branding systems, etc. So we might see even more generic, soul-less fonts, but I do believe that there is always a counter-movement to each development that becomes mainstream. At the moment though I don’t see the same speedy evolution of AI in type as has happened in photo and video generation, but obviously that can change.

What is your ratio of self-initiated typefaces vs. typeface for clients?

Veronika Burian Our own library including the work by external designers who publish on TypeTogether is still higher than custom work we do. With self-initiated projects you have more freedom and more time to develop your concept, experiment, and do research.

Are you rather one of those who draw or redraw type classics, or those who seek to totally invent new forms?

Veronika Burian Somewhere in-between. I like to get inspired by history but have a hard time to meticulously re-draw a design that has previously be done for another era and technology. There has to be a very good argument to do so. Otherwise, my hands and brain will immediately start interpreting the source of inspiration and create shapes that are close to my very personal taste and experience.

Do you remember when you decided to pursue your career in design?

Veronika Burian Type is first and foremost a tool, an important part of human interaction that can be used in a wide variety of ways and with great flexibility. Type is both a carrier and a driver of culture, as well as an emotional communicator. That's exciting! Nevertheless, at least for me, type is not something aloof, but rather has a very clear function. Like industrial design, it is an interface between man and machine. The only difference is that in the case of typefaces, the focus is on conveying information rather than on the handling of a product. I want people to use my fonts. I want them to help the reader, but that doesn't mean that beauty and sensuality fall by the wayside. After all, design is a fundamental part of type design. This mixture of culture, elegance, form and function is what has brought me to designing fonts and I have no regrets.

When you started, who had the most impact on you?

Veronika Burian Certainly Gerard Unger who was one of the main tutors at Reading. Also Gerry Leonidas, the program director and good friend. When I was at Daltonmaag, it was Ron Carpenter who was a good additional teacher and the old Czech calligrapher/type designer Oldřich Menhart had some initial influence on me.

“As Type designer you need endurance. Think of it as a marathon run rather than a sprint.”
– Veronika Burian

Do you still sketch?

Veronika Burian I do sketch, but quite rough to quickly explore an idea. This does not happen before moving to the computer, but can be part of the conceptual design phase.

Do you have words of wisdom for young practitioners?

Veronika Burian As Type designer you need endurance. Think of it as a marathon run rather than a sprint. Not everyone is carved out for it. The act of creating though can be very satisfying and once you see your work out there being used by other people, it is worth the pain. Never forget to have fun though!

What will be the message you would like to convey during your Now25 talk?

Veronika Burian I’d like to convey that a type foundry can be a very good and important partner in any design project, be it branding, editorial, or UI/UX. We have a different perspective and understanding of type, typography, and technology. We can bring new ideas and help drive innovation when we get the chance to sit at the table early on and not just at the end as an afterthought.

Thank you very much Veronika!

– Interview by Lia Porquet

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Q&A Veronika Burian

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