Since the Monday 19 June 2017, a group of fifteen attendees from more than 10 different countries worked everyday on a typeface family. It was hard, but so good!
They will present the results to conclude this third edition of TypeParis on Friday 21 July 2017, 15:45. Language English mostly, partially in French. As it’s a free event, online advance booking will not assure you entrance if you arrive later than 16:00. Following the concept “first come, first served,” we fill out the space up to 60 persons.
15:45 Introduction
16:02 Shutian Chan
16:10 Michel Jacquet
16:18 Elisabeth Bolzon
16:26 Teddy Derkert
16:34 Samar Zureik
16:42 Jon Young
16:50 Luiza Chamma
16:58 Raphael Ronot
17:06 break
17:14 Xavier Cédric Gareau Bergeron
17:22 Amanda Rios
17:30 Margaux Saulou
17:38 Tak Fung Chan
17:46 Adriana Longoria
17:54 Sean Dougherty
18:02 Servane Vignes
18:20 TypeParis Certificates
18:30 TypeParis17 is officially over