
Week 03: Drawing the perfect shape using Bézier curves

We are more than half way through the TypeParis course! It has been an intense week, and the students are now full swing into their personal typeface project. Later during the week, we’ve got the chance to visit the Librairie Paul Jammes.

On Monday 4th July 2016, the group welcomed Alice Savoie, and Xavier Dupre as guest instructors for the day. This was the last day working on paper before the students started to digitise their typeface. They made their last refinements on paper in preparation for moving to Béziers the next day.

Tuesday was exciting as it was the first day everyone used their computers! They spent the morning getting a crash course in Glyphs and RoboFont with Mathieu, with the valuable help of Alice. In the afternoon Julien & Alice worked with the group in refining and getting familiar with drawing paths. The most difficult part was to adapt to Béziers curves earlier ideas who worked on paper: Point placement, decisions concerning shapes, tensions.

Jean François set a challenge on Wednesday morning for everyone to finish 26 lower and upper case characters by Monday 11th of July! Looking forward to seeing the fruits of their very hard work! Everyone was excited to meet Peter Biľak, this week’s TypeParis Talks special guest. Peter was able to spend time with each student, looking over their work and offering helpful critiques and ideas. Read more about the TypeParis Talks with Peter Biľak and Helena Ichbiah, and to watch the videos on their talk page..

Thursday was a day of hustle. The classroom was very quiet as everyone focused hard on their font editor of choice. It’s been very rewarding seeing their typefaces taking shape, especially as the students begin setting it in context as they produce test prints.

Librairie Paul Jammes

What a special trip it is to visit André Jammes’ father’s beautiful bookshop, Librairie Paul Jammes. The highlight is undeniably André himself, a generous man with a dry wit and incredible knowledge about type and it’s fascinating history.

We were all hooked on his every word as he took us through the story of Pierre-Simon Fournier, an 18th century punch-cutter. At the end of the visit the students were presented with a beautiful specimen book to take home written by André.

Alice’s agile brain preparing to give a critique.

— By Dave Coleman

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Thanks to Adobe and Adobe Fonts to be our platinum sponsors since 2015.
July 12, 2016

Week 03: Drawing the perfect shape using Bézier curves

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