
Dialogue: Laura Meseguer

July 2, 2020

Dialogue: Laura Meseguer

Facilitator: Jean François Porchez. Free to watch online. No need to register to watch TPFriends now below. Laura Meseguer chats with TypeParis alumni via Zoom about Sister, a new stencil typeface project and transmission of knowledge. Please excuse in advance the quality of the video and the random aspect of the discussions.

In 2020, we organize TPFriends discussions with graphic designers, typographers, type designers. For each guest, it is an exchange. He presents a project of his choice, we talk about it, then the exchange continues around a series of questions imagined by the TypeParis alumnis who discuss with the guest. As its name suggests, TPFriends is held in an informal atmosphere, more akin to a discussion among friends than a public presentation. The format is different from our traditional TPTalks that take place at the Tank in Paris and are webcast.

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Great line up of speakers on graphic design, typography. Fabulous workshops. Join us on 1 June 2024!
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Sold out, see you on Saturday 31 May 2025!

Include access to all talks, a tote bag full of graphic and type goodies

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