
Phase 4: the final step

Six weeks later, the final push is here! Time has passed extremely fast and, unfortunately, the programme is about to finalize!
This short but intensive phase combined last critics and global reviews to fix, polish and complete all typeface families for the final delivery; the design of specimens; and the final presentation, followed by the deserved farewell party. All together mixed with a lot of emotional moments and the first evident signs of fatigue in the group. But the most important, they all did a hard and amazing work!  

Wrapping up the designs

Following the last big meeting early on the week, this last stage of the programme was dedicated to the ultimate adjustments of each typeface family. The mission: to meet the requirement for the final delivery of their typeface family.

Always assisted by the instructors Jean François Porchez, Mathieu Réguer, Malou Verlomme, Rainer Erich Scheichelbauer and Gina Serret, the group could fix last-minute mistakes as well as fine tuning and testing their final fonts. Full typefaces families were successfully finished!

Printed specimens and on-screen presentations

Having already the final day in mind, it was also necessary to introduce the printed specimens design as well the screen presentations. Attendees were able to discover the collection of type specimens created since 2015 by previous groups. It was time to build their presentation and specimen using their graphic design skills.

This is always a special moment since attendees can apply their own fonts on real graphic design stuff for the first time. It's a perfect way to check their work out from the perspective of the user and, of course, to catch latest mistakes.

Presentation day

The final day has arrived! After six weeks of working hard, all attendees were ready to present their personal typeface projects to the public. Therefore, all the instructors that have been part of TypeParis Summer23 together with Aurélien Vret as a guest judge delivered to award the selected diplomas with distinction of this edition.

After handing over the deserved typeface design certificates to each of the attendees, the instructor team concluded TypeParis Summer23 and we all moved immediately to Invalides, the already traditional venue to celebrate our farewell party. Time to chill, to share experiences and feelings before going back home.

If you missed the final presentation, you can now watch it online. Moreover, you can also check all the projects in detail, with specific images and descriptions of all projects.

Such six weeks of excitement (read the reports!), intensive learning and hard-working, smiles and emotions! All TypeParis Summer23 crew feels now very fortunate of being surrounded by such beautiful people this summer. Now the 17 attendees are already part of the precious TypeParis alumni community. We cannot wait to meet next TypeParis attendees!

Final presentation public and the students exchanging their type specimens.

See you in a few months. And don't forget the 14 March 2024 to apply for TypeParis Summer24!

À bientôt!

– By Gina Serret

Learn more about TypeParis courses and conferences!

Type & graphic designers interviews
Summer23 programme
Attendees feedback series

Apply to TypeParis Summer24 course!
The deadline for applications will be next 14 March 2024.


Thanks to Monotype for being our steel sponsor for TypeParis23
July 20, 2023

Phase 4: the final step

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