
Phase #4: mission accomplished!

The final push is here! These weeks have passed extremely fast and, unfortunately, we are already in the beginning of the end of TypeParis 2022!
This short but intense phase included last global reviews to fix and complete as much as possible the two minimal weights required for the final delivery, the design of specimens and the final presentation, followed by the traditional Parisian farewell party.

Special type crit

For a perfect ending, we had the opportunity to count with Greg Lindy from Lux typo (Los Angeles) as a special guest. He ran an informal type crit session which helped the students to fix last-minute mistakes as well as setting out many improvements students could apply in a future, after TypeParis ends.

Specimens and presentation

The last few days of the programme are dedicated to introduce and work on specimens and screen presentations. Finally, the attendees had the chance to use their own fonts to design beautiful graphic design stuff. It feels very satisfying checking out oneself typeface from the perspective of the user for the first time. And, of course, this also helps to catch ultimate mistakes.

Presentation Day

And the final day came! All the attendees presented the results of their work to the public, among which there was also a generous jury, this year formed by the guests Benjamin Blaess, Sean Dougherty, Raphaël Ronot and the whole instructors team: Jean François Porchez , Mathieu Réguer, Julie Soudanne, Malou Verlomme, Marc Rouault and Gina Serret.

After a long jury deliberation and to conclude this sixth edition of TypeParis, the instructors handed over the deserved diplomas to all the attendees. They decided to give 6 diplomas with distinction to Martin Brendecke, Elsa Drevous, Andrea Hayek, Geertrui Storms and David Turner. TypeParis 2022 was then officially over: time to go out and chill with the also deserved farewell party!

If you missed the presentation, you can now watch it online or you can also check all the projects in detail, with specific images and descriptions of every project.


They have been 6 exciting and great weeks surrounded by very motivated students, which are now part of the TypeParis family. Thank you all for making this edition that special!

See you in TypeParis 2023! Do not miss the 14 March 2023 to apply!

– By Gina Serret

Learn more about TypeParis courses and conferences!

Type & graphic designers interviews
Attendees feedback series

Summer23 programme
Now23 conference

Apply to TypeParis Summer course!
The deadline for applications is 14 March, every year.


Thank you to Monotype for being sponsor for TypeParis
Thanks to Monotype for beign our steel sponor for TypeParis22
July 21, 2022

Phase #4: mission accomplished!

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