
BilliBilli is a text font with 9 different weightsBilliBilli, from Black to Thin. Its inspired by the rockabilly culture and sign painting forms. The idea was to create a typeface using a humanistic model ductus with a brush pen. In The 60s the rockabilly scene was very popular because of their dance moves and love for cars. I select a bunch of posters from that era that help me identify many things that I applied later in the design of my typeface.

The characteristics of BilliBilli are soft shapes that resembles brush lettering, with a reversed contrast that is very sutil, heavy weight to be read in text sizes, small high capital letters to mixed up with de lowercase letters. It can be used in large sizes so you can see all the little details that gave BilliBilli his personality and unique movement, in small sizes all this unique characteristics help to make a very soft readable typeface.
It has curved strokes to give a more human almost hand painted feeling. Its a fun, playful and joyful typeface.

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The 6-week type design programme that you’ve been waiting for starts on 3 June and ends 11 July 2025
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