How was the first edition?
Following our second post, three more attendees, Claudia de Almeida, Rafael Jordan and Julie Soudanne share their stories with you! TypeParis16 is the second edition of the type design programme launched in 2015. We are in constant contact with all the attendees from last year. We thought that it would be interesting to ask some of them a few questions about their experience, past and future.
Claudia de Almeida: I love typefaces. They make my work possible. I always found it fascinating how you can give text that you read in silence (to yourself, most often) a very distinctive voice. Design choices can contribute to that too, but you can certainly achieve that through your type choices. Attending a typeface design program was something that I had been dying to do, just based on this fascination and love for type. Type@Paris felt like the correct choice because I wanted to study with someone whose work I greatly admire, and whose typefaces I love working with. To my surprise, when the program was announced, it turned out that that would be the case over and over again, as Jean François enlisted a world-class list of guest lecturers and guest critiques.
Rafael Jordan: I had thought beforehand of applying to the Type@Cooper Condensed Program, but I never did it, because of my work commitments at the time. My work situation changed at exactly the same time as the TypeParis15 Progamme was announced! I was very excited, I felt “This is the moment”. JFP’spresence was something important because I admire his work, and living for 5 weeks in Paris was a fabulous point too, of course.
Julie Soudanne: As a student completing a Masters in Typographic Design at ECV Paris, led by Jean François Porchez, I had heard about the program already, and had the opportunity to be close to the event’s organization during the year 2015. My studies were coming to an end and I had a deep desire to exercise the profession of type designer, but nobody can pretend to be a type designer just after a diploma. So my application to TypeParis15 seemed like a foregone conclusion in order to increase my knowledge and my practice, along with meeting very good worldwide type designers able to advise and guide me on my work.
“The class atmosphere is one of the most inspiring, creative and rewarding situations that I have had an opportunity to be a part of.”
– Claudia de Almeida

2. What have you learned?
CA: This program changed me. My love for typefaces and writing in general has grown from love to obsession. This 45 day program is perfect for anyone looking for an introduction to typographic design to anyone who is an experienced typeface designer and want to be pushed into new territories. The time crunch is a challenge and the feedback from different sources gives you a lot of different perspectives on how to approach a project. The class atmosphere is one of the most inspiring, creative and rewarding situations that I have had an opportunity to be a part of.
RJ: I learned a lot! A solid basis on the anatomy of letters, a good methodology about research (We had the opportunity to see in person some real jewels of the history of typography), workflow & I improved my drawing skills. The staff are amazing (all of them: instructors, guest critics, mates… wow! I miss them all a lot!) the atmosphere was unique, I loved breathing 24/7 typography and sharing this experience with other type nerds like me.
“Beyond all the technical skills I also deepened my knowledge on the history of typography which I consider fundamental when creating a new typeface.”
– Julie Soudanne

JS: It was the perfect program with which to extend my Master degree! I learned so much! I already knew in part the process of creating a typeface, so I was able to focus all my attention on all things new that were around me. Type@Paris allowed me to expand my vision of typography through various meetings with students and young professional designers from around the world and the instructors and critics with whom we had the chance to work! The new vision that people like Jeremy Tankard, Henrik Kubel or Lucas de Groot brought to my own work provided new perspectives to the way I create typefaces. Their feedback can be very overwhelming and confusing when beginning in type design, but it is also very rewarding, in light of their experiences and achievements! The program also allowed me to see my own city in a different way thanks to the history-filled excursions, accompanied by the meeting of museum and library curators. Beyond all the technical skills I also deepened my knowledge on the history of typography which I consider fundamental when creating a new typeface.
3. What are you doing now?
CA: Although I am still primarily a graphic designer and art director whose work has a huge focus on typography, I continue to pursue typeface design, just out of pure love and joy. I am currently at the Type@Cooper West program whilst running my design studio o Banquinho.
RJ: I really realised how much I had learned when I went back to Spain and started to play with letters. I decided that I wanted to dedicate my time to design fonts, and a few months later I revised my first font “Dídac”, which is available on Ultratypes Foundry. I’m in the process of finishing a slab/sans family and Carmen Maria (the project I started at TypeParis15). But right now the most important project is my son, born in January (the real Dídac).
“I really realised how much I had learned when I went back to Spain and started to play with letters.”
– Rafael Jordan

JS: The follow-up to Type@Paris was 100% confirmed in my head: I wanted to continue to draw letters each day! And thanks to Julien Priez, one of the instructors during the 5 weeks program, I had the opportunity to meet the genius Jérémie Hornus, founder of Black Foundry (previously named Typefactory). I am currently working with him at Black as a junior type designer as of August 2015. Black Foundry is a new Parisian type foundry specialized in creating typefaces and font engineering. You’ll be hearing about it in no time!
In the future, along with my work as type designer at Black Foundry, I want to continue to create my own typefaces! I recently had the opportunity to work on a custom typeface for Sara Comte (graphic designer in Paris) which will be used for the new identity of the Perfume Museum, and released some time in 2016. It’s been a very rewarding personal project; the kind I’d love to have the chance to do again with other designers or brands. I’m also continuing slowly and steadily to draw and develop my typeface called “Pressure”, made during TypeParis. I really hope to find the time needed to complete it before the end of 2016!
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The deadline for applications is 14 March, every year.