
Workshop Nº9 AbracadaGlyphs

July 4, 2020


Address Confirmed at registration. Duration: 9am—6pm.
Note to French & European: This price is without taxes, more details on the bottom of the next page.

This event is no longer open to registration.

Please check our page about the last evolution of Covid-19 and impact on our workshop series.

Learn how to take Glyphs to its full potential: Glyphs core team Georg Seifertand Rainer Erich Scheichelbauer (who speaks French) will help you to unlock the secrets of Glyphs at TypeParis! A unique chance for all local designers to learn some of the features that make their favorite vector tool so unique. This is a joint effort with Glyphs, unrelated to the 5-week summer course and open to everyone.

Rainer Erich Scheichelbauer parle français, pas de problèmes pour les participants locaux français mal à l’aise avec la langue anglaise.

Open to all

Learn how to create professional fonts using Glyphs and unlock the secrets of Glyphs. A unique chance for all local graphic designers, lettering designers, type designers to be able to learn all the classic and new features. Glyphs core team Georg Seifert and Rainer Erich Scheichelbauer will hold a AbracadaGlyphs day at TypeParis.


General topics
— prepare professional vector outlines
— reuse recurring shapes effectively
— trace down and fix errors, avoid potential pitfalls
— optional settings (custom parameters)
— metrics and kerning: how it works?
— useful scripts and plug-ins for any workflow
— font export in various formats and special glyph sets

Variable fonts topics
— create multiple-master and variable fonts from scratch
— export and test in AI and web browsers
— animate a glyph in a web browser (the fun part!)

— you have a specific tool in Glyphs that you want to use?
— you want to switch from your old Fontographer, FontLab, Robofont?
— any others questions!

You will be taken through a professional variable font production workflow, with ample opportunity for questions and feedback. During part one, focus will be on drawing vectors and producing fonts in Glyphs: a very good opportunity to meet the Glyphs core team and share your suggestions, and questions about font design and production. Part two will focus on Variable Fonts and reusing shapes: Multiple Master technology, interpolation, and all the small details that truly make a difference.


Bring your MacBook with the latest version of Glyphs preinstalled, make sure you updated to the most recent beta: Glyphs > Preferences > Updates: enable Cutting Edge Versions and check for updates.


Limited to 20 attendees:
– Type designers who use Glyphs as well others font design tools. No level required, from beginners to ultra pro.
– It’s in English, mais les francophones sont bienvenus, et seront assistées par Joachim Vu pour une meilleur compréhension des cours en anglais.
– Tip for last year’s attendees: Although part of this workshop will be similar, there are many new topics planned and the idea this year is to split the group if necessary.

Last year workshop was a success!

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Workshop Nº9 AbracadaGlyphs

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